Press Release 新聞稿

Charity Concert for SJS
杏林樂韻●護Sun Teens慈善音樂會


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新 聞 稿


杏林樂韻・護Sun Teens慈善音樂會




  香港醫學會副會長暨香港醫學會慈善基金主席周伯展醫生, JP在記者招待會中表示,醫學會及其後成立的慈善基金在過去二十多年來一直透過其合唱團和管弦樂團的公開表演籌集善款,支持各項社會公益事業。每次慈善音樂會的開支約為港幣十二萬,全數由香港醫學會資助。他續指,慈善基金的委員都意識到時下青少年的情緒及壓力問題日益嚴重,每每聽到年青人輕生事件都令人心痛不已,所以一致同意為情緒困擾的青少年籌款。不幸地,就是委員會決定了受惠機構之後,在三月份內便發生9日之內7宗學生自殺事件,情況實在刻不容緩。他呼籲大眾踴躍捐輸,關懷愛護新生代,扶助他們勇敢面對挫折和困難。


  聖雅各福群會總幹事陸何錦環女士表示,十分感謝香港醫學會及香港醫學會慈善基金舉辦慈善音樂會,為有需要青少年提供精神健康服務。本會自2009年開創了青少年精神健康計劃,目的是回應青少年的抑鬱及焦慮情況。計劃為學生及家長提供有關情緒健康的講座、小組及個別輔導服務等,近年更設立面書專頁Thankful Daily網上媒介發放正能量,至今已累積達十萬服務人次。











電話:2527 8285  傳真:2865 0943  



公共關係經理 謝文慧

電話:2835 4321 / 9216 6998  傳真:2834 7300



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29 May 2016




Charity Concert for SJS


The Hong Kong Medical Association (HKMA) and the HKMA Charitable Foundation (the Foundation) will stage its Annual Charity Concert on 9 June 2016 (Tuen Ng Festival) at the Concert Hall, Hong Kong City Hall at 7:30 p.m.  All funds collected, without deducting any cost, will be donated to St. James’ Settlement (SJS) in support of their Youth Mental Health Support Program for providing psycho-education, mentorship support group and individual counseling to mentally disturbed youths with financial difficulty.  Interim medical and psychological services will be offered to severe cases, so as to fill up the service gap when awaiting for public service.


Dr. CHOW Pak Chin, JP, Vice-President of the HKMA and Chairman of the Foundation told that the HKMA, and later with the joint effort of the Foundation, had been raising funds for community projects and people in need over the past 20 years through the public performances of its Choir and Orchestra.  The HKMA would bear all expenses of the charity concert, which was estimated to cost over HK$120,000.  He continued that the Executive Council of the Foundation agreed unanimously to raise fund for the aforesaid program since the emotional and anxiety problems of the younger generation was deteriorating, with reports of youth suicide hitting the headlines every now and then. It was saddening to note that, shortly after the Foundation had confirmed the beneficiary, 7 students committed suicide in 9 consecutive days in March 2016.  That gave an alarming message to the society.  Dr. CHOW urged the general public to give generously, and help the next generation to overcome the challenges ahead with care and guidance.


Mrs. Cynthia LUK Ho Kam Wan, Chief Executive Officer of St. James’ Settlement expressed gratitude towards HKMA for supporting SJS Youth Mental Health Support Program through the charity concert as to provide service for needy youths. SJS Youth Mental Health Project was launched in 2009 to enhance emotional wellness of youths. The project rendered psycho-educational talks for students and parents, developmental groups and individual counseling. Facebook fanpage (thankful daily) was set up in recent years to convey positive messages. Up till now, more than 100,000 attendances have been served.


Ching (fake name) shared her true story of depression through video interview. With help from SJS Youth Mental Health Project social worker, Ching could release and get rid of her negative emotions. At the same time, the project social worker invited youth ambassadors to provide peer support for Ching. Tak, one of the ambassadors in the project, was now a sub-degree student. She understood the stress of teenagers and which urged her to participate in the project through listening and showing care. Tak had changed her views after her participation as well. She learned about the power of sharing. Only when she was willing to share her vulnerability, others’ encouragement and support could be driven!



Media Contact:


Hong Kong Medical Association

Ms. Candy YUEN, Executive Officer (PR)

Tel:2527 8285  Fax: 2865 0943


St. James’ Settlement

Ms. May TSE, Public Relations Manager

Tel:2835 4321 / 9216 6998  Fax:2834 7300



聖雅各福群會於1949年創辦,最初於石水渠街北帝廟的一個偏廳開始兒童工作(聖雅各兒童會),及至1962年在堅尼地道建成六層高會所,提供兒童及青少年服務、長者服務及復康服務。1987年,本會位於石水渠街的總會大樓落成,服務更趨多元化。本會在1990年開辦第 一個灣仔區以外的服務單位,隨後陸續在不同地區開拓新服務;單位主要分佈於港島北岸,從西環寶翠園至柴灣興華邨。近年,由於需求殷切,本會在九龍及新界亦設立不同服務。現時,福群會在全港有58個服務點,每年服務超過四百多萬人次。服務對象包括︰幼兒、學童、青少年、成年人、家庭、長者及復康人士等。本機構提供情緒健康服務予不同人士,有關服務包括︰S.M.I.L.E.延續教育中心、綜合家庭服務中心、與醫管局合辦的綜合情緒健康計劃,可見本機構具有豐富的情緒健康服務經驗。




自2009年起,本會青少年服務開創精神健康服務,務求為青少年的精神健康提供更專業的支援。過去六年間,本計劃已提供服務予全港超過150所中小學,已舉辦超過300場有關情緒健康的講座,題目包括快樂原來好簡單、感恩行動抗抑鬱、壓力與情緒管理,服務人次已達40,000。此外,本計劃舉辦的小組服務,為超過300名學生及家長提供進一步支援,亦會為個別有需要學生及家長提供個案跟進。有見網絡資訊對青少年有偌大的影響,本計劃設立面書專頁Thankful Daily發放有關情緒健康信息,於過去兩年間已有超過70,000瀏覽人次。除此以外,本計劃亦回應學校需要而提供專業教師培訓,以裝備最前線的教育工作者面對多樣性的學生情緒困擾。總括而言,本計劃擁有豐富與學校合作的經驗,亦擅於為青少年的情緒健康提供不同形式之服務。



聖雅各福群會 公共關係經理

謝文慧 女士

電話︰2835 4321 或 9216 6998 

傳真︰2834 7300    
