Press Release 新聞稿

The Hong Kong Medical Association Community Service Committee English Summer Camp - Finale Show cum Recognition Ceremony
香港醫學會 社區服務委員會 暑期趣味英語體驗營 - 表演晚會暨嘉許禮

新 聞 稿


香港醫學會 社區服務委員會

暑期趣味英語體驗營 - 表演晚會暨嘉許禮

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香港醫學會於二零一四年成立社區服務委員會,目的是要凝聚醫學會會員及其家人的力量,服務社會上的弱勢社群。去年我們首次舉辦「暑期趣味英語體驗營」,招募本會醫生會員正在就讀中學的子女,向他們提供訓練,讓他們掌握如何教導小學生、有效的溝通技巧、及簡單的課程設計等。醫生子女成為小導師後,特别為來自基層家庭的小學生提供英語輔導教學服務,希望透過有趣又互動的課程,提升小學生對學習英語的興趣和水平。同時,本會希望培養小導師們的社會責任感,讓參加英語體驗營者,渡過一個快樂而具意義的暑假。由於去年活動獲得一致好評,包括來自小導師、小學生、他們的家長以、參加學校等多方面非常正面的肯定,故此今年醫學會再度舉辦第二屆「暑期趣味英語體驗營」。今年共有12名小導師和18位就讀於慈雲山聖文德天主教小學的小四及小五的學生參加。今年的學習主題是 “You Are What You Eat”,整個體驗營提供一個全英語環境,活動包括互動遊戲、課堂練習、小組創作及匯報、角色扮演等,讓參加者透過不同的環境,學習英語的運用技巧和發掘英話趣味之處,提升他們日後個人運用英語的信心和能力。參與英語營的小導師亦可透過活動提升領袖技巧及培育其扶弱、社會參與的心苗,為他們長大後成為社會楝樑作好準備。














2527 8285







22 July 2016

The Hong Kong Medical Association Community Service Committee

English Summer Camp Finale Show cum Recognition Ceremony

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The Hong Kong Medical Association Community Service Committee was established in 2014, with an aim at helping needy people by mobilizing volunteer doctors and their family members.  Last year, the first-ever “English Summer Camp” was organized for our members’ children who were studying at secondary schools to teach English for primary school students from grass roots sector.  We hoped to enhance their English skills and interests on English learning through interesting and interactive programmes, and the young tutors could build up a sense of serving others and social commitment.  The young tutors had an enjoyable and meaningful summer time last year.  Due to the encouraging feedbacks from all involving parties, including young tutors and students, their parents and the school, the HKMA organised the 2nd English Summer Camp this year.  There were 12 trained young tutors and 18 primary Four & Five students from the Tsz Wan Shan St. Bonaventure Catholic Primary School participating.  Theme of this year’s English Camp is “You are What You Eat”.  The Camp helped to create an English-speaking environment through interactive games, classroom learning, group creative design, group presentation and role-play.  Both the primary students and young tutors built up their confidence and enhanced their English usage ability through the various activities.  In addition, the young tutors could develop their leadership and communication skills amid various programmes. The English Camp also helped to sow the seeds of caring and serving people in need in the heart of these young tutors, preparing them to become responsible members in the community. 


The 2-week “2nd English Summer Camp” was successfully completed along with tonight’s “Finale Show cum Recognition Ceremony” held in Chiang Chen Studio Theatre of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.  Dr. CHOI Kin, the new HKMA President, Dr. CHAN Nim Tak, Douglas, Chairman of the Community Service Committee (CSC) and other members of the CSC, parents and families of the young tutors and primary school students as well as the School Principal joined the event.  In his Opening Remarks, Dr. CHOI Kin shared his appreciation toward the young tutors who contributed their efforts to needy people.  Dr. CHOI also reminded primary school students to give back to society when they grew up. The performers were divided into 4 teams for group performances and presentations to share with the audiences of their learning outcomes.  The Show reached a crescendo when the performers read out their choices of the most representative food in Hong Kong and sang the group song.  All the performers and the audiences had a very enjoyable evening with lots of fun!   



Notes to editors:


The Hong Kong Medical Association, founded in 1920, aims to bring together Hong Kong's government, institutional, university and private medical practitioners for an effective exchange of views and co-ordination of efforts.  The foremost objective of the Association is to safeguard and promote public health.  The Association speaks collectively for its members and aims to keep its members abreast of medical ethics, issues and advances around the world.  In fulfilling these goals, the association hopes to better serve the people of Hong Kong.


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