Press Release 新聞稿

The HKMA Men’s Health Week




香港醫學會「男士健康周」(Men’s Health Week)






為協助本港男性正視身心健康,香港醫學會於11月16至21日舉辦「男士健康周」(Men’s Health Week),邀請不同專科領域的醫生,於網上進行研討會及與市民分享常見的疾病和「貼地」的健康話題,例如「糖尿攻略之守護心腎」、「男人五十尿頻頻,前列增生唔使騰」及「與癌症共存」等等。








  • 以HPV (Human Papillomavirus) 即人類乳頭瘤病毒為例,該病毒可以透過性接觸傳播,部分屬高風險基因型的病毒可引致細胞病變及癌症,男性雖然沒有患子宮頸癌的風險,但仍有機會感染生殖器官濕疣,和其他由HPV 引致的疾病,如肛門癌(九成以上與HPV有關)、口咽癌(七成與HPV有關)及陰莖癌(約七成與HPV有關),這些疾病過去二十年均有不斷上升的趨勢3。此外,男性帶菌者亦有機會將病毒傳播給伴侶。


  • 早前香港醫學會就「香港應該在兒童免疫接種計劃 (HKCIP)中,為男孩加入免費接種HPV疫苗嗎?」進行問卷調查,結果126位醫生當中有72%建議為 11-15 歲的男孩接種 HPV 疫苗。支持建議的原因分別是「男孩也容易受到 HPV 感染」、「HPV疫苗已被證實是有效的」,以及「男孩感染 HPV 的後果也會很嚴重」。


  • 根據政府統計處及衞生署資料指出,男士較容易患上慢性呼吸道、前列腺、糖尿病、中風、高血壓及心臟病等疾病,主要由於日常生活上有損健康的壞習慣,例如男士相對較多應酬,也不像女士們般注重體態等。此外,男士們就算出現健康有異,往往也因面子關係,傾向不告訴身邊的人而拖延求醫,導致延誤治療。


  • 在心理層面方面,都市人生活和工作繁忙,精神壓力無可避免。而由於傳統觀念,男性承受來自家庭、社會等各方面的期望及壓力通常比女性要大,心理上的不健康又會導致生理上出現問題,例如抑鬱、胃潰瘍及心臟病等。另外,男性於面對壓力時,會較女性多進行高風險的活動如飲酒和吸煙,故亦有較大機率患上心血管及肺胸疾病。


  • 同時,傳統社會期望男性表現剛強,因此在主動求醫者當中,男性人數少於女性,當中不少拒絕承認及接受自己患病,亦有不少要家人陪同、或是被強迫下才願意接受治療,因此較易錯過治療的「黃金時間」。當面對壓力時,男性亦較少會透過與其他人傾訴來舒緩壓力,一旦出現抑鬱等心理問題,自殺及酗酒的情況會比女性嚴重。







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男性健康周 (Men’s Health Week)(公眾講座資訊)













男人五十尿頻頻,前列增生唔使騰!/ 男人五十唔使騰

楊協和醫生 / 麥棨樂醫生




肛門癌 / 陰莖癌

黃天祐醫生 / 林沛泓醫生




中風病人與遠程醫療 / 中風的介入治療

麥凱鈞醫生 / 黃秉康醫生




與癌症共存 / 癌症支援服務分享

曾偉光醫生 / Mr. Alan NG, Ms. Natalie FONG



  1. 醫院管理局:香港2018年前列腺癌統計數字


  1. 醫院管理局:香港癌症中心 - 香港十大癌症


  1. Bailey HH et al.: Journal of Clinical Oncology: American Society of Clinical Oncology Statement: Human Papillomavirus Vaccination for Cancer Prevention, 2016; 34(15): 1803-1812







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Press Release


 HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) causes more than 70% of anal cancer, oropharyngeal cancer and penile cancer

The HKMA Launches Men’s Health Week to

Promote and Arouse Public Attention to Men's Physical and Mental Health



The COVID-19 pandemic has raised health awareness across the globe. But it has been noted that men, compared with women, often are unwilling and do not have the motivation to engage in health-seeking behaviours such as nutritional eating or regular body checks. Cultural and conventional norms on masculinity impact men’s choices in paying attention to their health.  Very often, men seem to demonstrate avoidance and negligence of healthcare which results in delayed diagnosis and treatments. Meanwhile, there is a growing number of men suffering from problems such as prostate and cardiovascular diseases.


To increase men’s awareness to their physical and mental health in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Medical Association (HKMA) is launching the ‘Men's Health Week’ from November 16 to 21, in which doctors from different specialties are invited to conduct online seminars and share common health topics with the public such as ‘Diabetes Management/ Hypertension’, ‘Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia’, ‘Cancer Survivorship’, just to name a few.


According to statistics1,2 from the Department of Health and the Hong Kong Cancer Registry of the Hospital Authority (HKCaR), there is an increasing prevalence in the younger population on various men’s health issues. Take prostate cancer, the third leading cause of cancer death in men, as an example. The number of new cases increased by 60% in the past decade, from 1,369 cases in 2008 to 2,204 cases in 2018. Although the median age of incidence is 71, the number of patients aged 50 and above has risen to 10%. Therefore, young people should never take it lightly. And in response to these information, the Hong Kong Medical Association launches "Men's Health Week" in the hope to promote health awareness among the local male population.


‘Through various talks organized during the Men’s Health Week, we hope to increase the public’s awareness of disease prevention and management, as well as increasing men’s attention to their physical and mental health, thereby improving the overall health of the Hong Kong citizens,’ said Dr. CHOI Kin, President of the HKMA.


HKMA points out that all topics covered during the ‘Men’s Health Week’ are closely related to men’s health in the modern society, which include:


  • Take HPV (Human Papillomavirus) as an example. The virus can be transmitted through sexual contact, some of which are high-risk genotypes that can cause cytopathic changes and cancer. Although men are not at risk of cervical cancer, they are still at risk of being infected by genital warts and other diseases caused by HPV, such as anal cancer (more than 90% is related to HPV), oropharyngeal cancer (70% is linked to HPV) and penile cancer (around 70% is associated with HPV). In the past two decades, there has been a rising trend in these diseases3. In addition, male carriers also have the risk of transmitting the virus to their partners.


  • A survey by the HKMA conducted earlier on ‘Should Boys be offered HPV Vaccination in the Hong Kong Childhood Immunization Programme (HKCIP)’ shows that 72% of the 126 doctors recommended that school boys aged 11-15 to receive HPV vaccination. Those supporters considered that, ‘school boys can also be easily infected with HPV’, ‘HPV vaccine is proven to be highly efficacious’ and ‘the consequences of being infected with HPV is also serious for boys’.


  • According to information from the Census and Statistics Department and the Department of Health, men are more likely to suffer from diseases including chronic respiratory problems, prostate, diabetes, stroke, hypertension and heart diseases due to their poor habits in daily lives. For example, men are relatively more business entertaining but they don’t pay much attention to fitness as women do. In addition, even if there are body signals, men are unwilling to telling others as a matter of reputation, leading to a delay in seeking medical treatment.


  • From the psychological perspective, urbanite is living a hectic pace of life and work, it is therefore inevitable to suffer from mental stress. However, traditional values generally bring greater expectations and pressure to men in various aspects such as family and society. Poor mental health can lead to physical health issues such as depression, stomach ulcers and heart disease. When tackling with stress, men tend to engage in high-risk activities such as drinking and smoking more often in comparison to women. Consequently, they are also more likely to develop cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases.


  • Meanwhile, traditional society expects men to be strong, causing fewer male patients than female in taking the initiative to seek medical treatment. A number of them are reluctant to admit and accept that they have health problems, and many of them have to be accompanied by their family members or are forced to receive treatment. As a result, they are more likely to miss out the ‘golden period’ for treatment. In addition, men are also less likely to relieve stress through sharing with others. In case of depression and other psychological problems occur, cases of suicide and alcohol abuse will be more serious comparing to women.


Dr. MAK Siu King, Vice President of the HKMA, adds that general public are welcomed to participate during the ‘Men’s Health Week’ where medical education seminars will be also held for local and overseas doctors and scholars for in-depth discussion and to enhance the level of the medical profession in Hong Kong.


‘Men's Health Week’ is organized by the HKMA with an aim to promote men's health knowledge and arouse attention of the society to men's health problems, as well as self-care awareness of men in Hong Kong, in turn to enhance the overall men's health level. At the same time, the government is expected to pay more attention to men’s health and allocate more resources in this aspect, such as expanding the current arrangements of HPV vaccination from schoolgirls to school boys, so that men can maintain a healthy body and mind.


To learn more about the seminars and talks, please log on


For general public who is interested to take part in the event can watch live on



Public Talk Information for Men’s Health Week

Date & Time




November 16,


Innovation for Men’s Health: How to Meet the Unmet Need?

Diabetes Management/ Hypertension

Dr. AU YEUNG Yick Cheung

November 17, 5:45-6:45PM

Non-Communicable Disease

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia / Male Depression

Dr. YEUNG Hip Wo, Victor / Dr. Greg MAK

November 18, 5:45-6:45PM

Communicable Disease

Anal Cancer / Penile Cancer

Dr. WONG Tin Yau, Andrew / Dr. LAM Pei, Wayne

November 19, 5:45-6:45PM


Telemedicine in Stroke Patients / Interventional Treatment for Stroke

Dr. MAK Hoi Kwan, Calvin / Dr. WONG Ping Hong, Derek

November 20, 5:45-6:45PM

Novo Therapies: How to Meet the Unmet Need?

Cancer Survivorship / Support Services Sharing from Cancer Information

Dr. TSANG Wai Kong / Mr. Alan NG, Ms. Natalie FONG



  1. Hospital Authority: Cancer Statistics in 2018


  1. Hospital Authority: Hong Kong Cancer Registry – Top 10 Cancers in Hong Kong


  1. Bailey HH et al.: Journal of Clinical Oncology: American Society of Clinical Oncology Statement: Human Papillomavirus Vaccination for Cancer Prevention, 2016; 34(15): 1803-1812


For media enquiries, please contact:


Hong Kong Medical Association

Miss Irene GOT

Tel: +852 3108 2512

Mobile: +852 6100 2276 



Creative Consulting Group Inc. Limited
Mr. Chun Chan

Tel: +852 3159 2919  

Mobile: +852 9668 1833 
