Public Health Education 公眾健康教育
計劃介紹 About the scheme
The benefits of regular moderate physical activity were scientifically proven. Lack of adequate exercise for the community would not only affect the physical and mental well-being of individuals, but also adversely affect the productivity of the community.
Do you think you are having sufficient exercise? It might sometimes be difficult for busy people like us to "squeeze" the time and find a suitable place for physical activity. Well, one thing you might not be aware of, is that all we have to do is to walk 8,000 steps or more per day, and that is all it takes for a healthier and happier life.
With the aim of arousing public awareness of the importance of daily exercise to one's physical and mental health, the Hong Kong Medical Association initiated the "Healthy 8,000 Steps Campaign" in 2003. In this Olympic Year, the Association worked together with the Department of Health and the Hong Kong Baptist University to remind the general public to live an active life.
如何計算每日步行數量 Ways to count the number of steps
The usual way is to use a step counter, or called pedometer. At present, some smart mobile phones and watches have step counting function.
Another way is to record the time of walking. The average walking speed of the general public is about 120 steps/minute. Therefore, a 30-minutes walk after lunch would be approximately equal to 3,600 steps.
Alternatively, we may count the distance of your route. One may not be aware that it takes an average of 260 steps when walking from the MTR station entrance to the platform. The HKMA and the MTR have identified a number of routes that may help you do the counting.
第二階段計劃 Phase 2 (2008)
活動簡介 Introduction
We had launched an award scheme which specifically targets at the physically less active population - office-workers. We would like to mobilize companies to encourage staff to lead a healthier lifestyle by means of frequent walking. Companies were required to verify and record all staff who had walked at least 8,000 steps a day, at least 5 days a week and for at least four consecutive weeks. Awards were given to those companies with the highest number of staff or the highest percentage of staff fulfilling the said criteria.
宣傳聲帶 Audio Clips
1. 梁振英先生(行政會議非官守議員召集人)
Hon. LEUNG Chun Ying, GBS, JP (Convenor, the Non-official Members of the Executive Council)
2. 郭家麒醫生(醫學界立法會議員)
Dr. Hon. KWOK Ka Ki (Legislative Councilor)
3. 曾浩輝醫生(衞生署衞生防護中心總監)
Dr. Thomas TSANG (Controller, the Centre for Health Protection)
4. 雷雄德博士(香港浸會大學體育學系副教授)
Dr. Lobo LOUIE (Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education, Hong Kong Baptist University)
5. 蔡堅醫生(香港醫學會會長)
Dr. CHOI Kin (President, the Hong Kong Medical Association)
6. 周伯展醫生及陳以誠醫生(每日八千步推廣委員會聯席主席)
Dr. CHOW Pak Chin and Dr. CHAN Yee Shing (Co-Chairman of the Campaign Steering Committee)
第一階段計劃 Phase 1 (2003)