Press Release 新聞稿

Spring is the Best Startup of Your Health Plan
一年之計始於春 健康金庫任你搬

一年之計始於春  健康金庫任你搬




《健康藏金庫》網頁和YouTube頻道主要收錄由香港醫學會現正推行的兩個社區長者健康管理計劃,「醫家耆康社區學堂」和「醫社耆青Level Up」製作的健康資訊和講座視頻。頻道內的健康教育資訊和短片分為三類,包括運動鍛鍊、疾病管理、和精神健康。啟動後,老友記健康大學所舉辦的網上健康課堂亦會透過YouTube頻道直播,有興趣的市民可以訂閱,按時收看相關課堂和其他健康教育資訊。本會亦會利用Instagram不時發佈有關本會社區計劃的活動、健康資訊、義工招募、義工訓練和溫馨健康提示。想知道更多有關健康資訊,記緊要追蹤我們的帳號! 而有興趣與我們一起為老友記的健康出一分力、參與成為老友記外展大使隊的人士,可留意《健康藏金庫》網頁內「義工園地」的活動資料。


香港醫學會社區服務團隊一直貫徹本會「維護民康」的宗旨,關懷社區、支援長者居家安老。現時推行的兩個社區計劃「醫家耆康社區學堂」和「醫社耆青Level Up」,定期舉辦健康課堂講座、探訪和關懷計劃內的長者、為義工進行訓練課程、與地區社福機構合辦健康外展日等,配合今天推出的網上資訊平台和社交媒體,希望可以匡扶社區樂齡居家安老。










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6 March 2023

Spring is the Best Startup of Your Health Plan


Awakening of Insects, or End of Hibernation, is the third solar term among the 24 solar terms in the Chinese lunar calendar, people believe that thunder would awaken hibernating insects on this day, the weather would be warmer, and spring plowing would begin.  It symbolises the arrival of spring and the recovery of all things.  The Hong Kong Medical Association (HKMA) takes this special day to launch the “Health Resources Bank” Webpage and YouTube Channel, also the HKMA Community Service Committee Instagram Page.  We hope the public can make best use of the healthcare information in our media and start to set out health plans for themselves and their families. 


The “Health Resources Bank” Webpage and YouTube Channel collect all the health-related information and videos created by the HKMA for the two on-going community elderly healthcare management projects “Community Elderly Health Academy” and “Levelling Up COY for Health”.   Information resources and video clips are categorised under three themes - Exercising, Disease Management, and Mental Health.  Online health talks organised under the Health Academy for the Elderly will also be broadcast through YouTube Live in this channel.  Interested parties can subscribe our channel to receive notification of the updated health talks and videos information.  The HKMA will also use Instagram (IG) to provide health information, warm reminders on health, updates of our two on-going community projects, news on recruitment and training of volunteers.  Follow us to keep updated of health information now!  For those who are interested to join our volunteer team as Outreach Ambassadors to help enhancing the health of elderly, please stay tuned with the “Volunteer” Section on the “Health Resources Bank” Webpage.


The HKMA Community Service Committee has been working diligently on the Association’s mission “To safeguard the health of the people” through supporting elderly health so that they can age in place.  The two on-going community projects “Community Elderly Health Academy” and “Levelling Up COY for Health” provide regular health talks, organise health check days, arrange home visits and caring calls, and train volunteers in the servicing districts.  Together with the online resources and social media kicked off today, we hope to better safeguarding health of the elderly live in the community.       


A bank is where you store your precious treasures, while health is undoubtedly a priceless treasure.  The HKMA sincerely hopes that the public will make good use of our “Health Resources Bank” to add values for themselves and their loved ones. .  We welcome you to visit our sites for the information through the following media:


Health Resources Bank Webpage

Health Resource Bank

YouTube Channel

HKMA Community Service Committee


The HKMA Facebook page

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Notes to editors:  The Hong Kong Medical Association, founded in 1920, aims to bring together Hong Kong's government, institutional, university and private medical practitioners for an effective exchange of views and co-ordination of efforts.  The foremost objective of the Association is to safeguard and promote public health.  The Association speaks collectively for its members and aims to keep its members abreast of medical ethics, issues and advances around the world.  In fulfilling these goals, the association hopes to better serve the people of Hong Kong.


查詢 Enquiries

袁巧蓮女士/Ms. Candy YUEN

葛樂詩小姐/Ms. Irene GOT

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2527 8941

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