Support Organ Donation 支持器官捐贈

Each day in Hong Kong, some 2,000 people hoping to regain a normal and healthy life wonder if they will receive an organ transplant today. Some may be waiting for a cornea so that they may see again, or for vital organs, such as kidney, liver or even a heart in order to live. Support for organ donation is necessary to make avail hope to these patients and their family members.




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Establishment of The Hong Kong Medical Association

Organ Donation Register Fund Limited



The Hong Kong Medical Association Organ Donation Register Fund Limited was set up in July 1994 to provide proper management and financial support to the Organ Donation Register as well as to promote the good cause of organ donation in Hong Kong. This organization had arranged various activities such as organ donation walk, exhibition, health talks and a secondary school organ donation slogan competition to promote the significance of organ donation. Health information cards had also been printed to spread the message.


In 1996, an Organ Donation Van was donated by Oriental Press Charitable Fund Association, to help reach out to residents in housing estates to promote organ donation and collect donation pledges. Since the setting up of the Central Organ Donation Register by the Government in 2008 with online registration of organ donation pledges, the purpose of this van has become obsolete. It was donated to the Hong Kong Society for the Blind in 2010.




在 1996 年,東方報業慈善基金會捐贈了一輛小型客貨車,以支持我們在屋邨的推廣活動,以及協助收集捐贈表格。自政府於2008年成立可網上登記的中央器官捐贈名冊後,該小型客貨車亦退下推廣器官捐贈的前線,於2010年被轉贈至香港盲人輔導會。



The HKMA organ donation registry


Hand in hand with the setting up of the Organ Donation Register Fund Limited, The Hong Kong Medical Association set up a computer based central organ donation registry. All willing organ donors were asked to discuss with their next of kin before signing and returning the organ donation forms. All returned and completed organ donation forms were scanned and the image stored in a central database, which facilitated authorized persons of the transplant team to go online and match a potential donor at any time.


This system increased the communication between the transplant coordinator and the relatives. There was no need for donors carry organ donation cards. The registry stored all donation forms of transplant campaigns organized by other institutions/societies and acted as a barometer of organ donation awareness. Up to end of 2010, there were over 45,000 forms in our registry.







Centralised Organ Donation Register (CODR)


Over the years, the need for organ transplantation is ever rising. It is deem necessary to pool all possible efforts to promote organ donation and to better manage willing donors' information. In this connection, the three parties: the Hong Kong Medical Association, the Department of Health and the Hospital Authority joined hands and discussed the motion of the HKSAR Government taking over and managing the central database. With months of co-ordination and liaison, the Department of Health set up a Centralised Organ Donation Register in the fall of 2008 to manage donors' personal data and their declared wish. 


Seven years after the setting up of the Centralised Organ Donation Register, the Hong Kong Medical Association Organ Donation Register Fund Limited was formally deregistered in 2015. However, the Association will still join hands with the Government and other organisations to promote public awareness in organ donation.


Please visit the CODR website





