Press Release 新聞稿

MeetMed – The Hong Kong Medical Association Medical School Immersion Programme for Secondary School Students
醫科生涯初體驗 MeetMed探索讀醫路

醫科生涯初體驗    MeetMed探索讀醫路


年青人是社會的未來,適當的啟導和鼓勵對培育年青人十分重要。香港醫學會 (醫學會)一直支持有志行醫的年青人及早預備,過去均有舉辦醫科生涯探索活動。


由醫學會青年委員會醫學生附屬委員會籌辦的MeetMed ,於剛過去的周末(八月十二日至十三日)假香港中文大學(中大) 、香港大學(港大)校園及醫學會舉行為期兩天的探索體驗活動,目的為提高中學生對醫學教育的認識。今年共有五十名來自二十二間中學的學生參加,而活動則由二十位醫學生帶領。第一天的活動於中大校園進行,參加者先透過一系列破冰遊戲來互相認識,然後參與各項目包括專題討論、校園遊、參觀解剖實驗室和醫學院課程簡介會。第二天的活動移師至港大醫學院大樓及醫學會會所舉行,參加者早上先參觀港大校園和了解港大醫學院課程,下午再到醫學會進行「醫學工作與科技」論壇和以生物倫理作主題的辯論比賽。兩天的MeetMed活動在醫學會青年委員會聯席主席陳子泰醫生及冼建文醫生作總結講話及頒發證書後圓滿結束。




MeetMed 的籌委會成員之一孫朗晴同學是中大醫學院五年級的學生,她表示:「我從大學一年級已是醫學會醫學生附屬委員會的成員,這兩天活動給予有志成為醫科生的中學同學難得的機會,可以親身體驗醫科學習。至於我自己選擇讀醫是因為一份同理心,想幫助別人;我也喜歡科學,又愛與人溝通,很適合選讀醫科。」另外,香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學的莊穎淘同學將升讀中六。莊同學認為MeetMed很有趣及有意義:「以前最多只可以上網找選讀醫科的資料,今次活動卻很充實,亦充份了解醫科生的日常生活。我也認識很多新朋友,同學們對醫科及科學都充滿熱誠。好多謝香港醫學會舉辦MeetMed,亦要多謝各組的醫學生組長,他們絕對是有問必答,很照顧我們。」







經理 (時事及傳訊)


電話:2527 8941      傳真: 2865 0943



編輯備忘: 香港醫學會成立於一九二零年,旨在聯繫政府、各公立醫療機構、大學及私人執業的醫務工作者,交流意見,團結一心。香港醫學會致力將最新的醫療資訊及醫務發展傳遞與會員,提倡會員遵行專業操守,進而服務社會,維護民康。


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14 August 2023


MeetMed – The Hong Kong Medical Association Medical School Immersion Programme for Secondary School Students


Youth is the hope of our future.  It is therefore important to support youth to navigate through education and encouragement.  The Hong Kong Medical Association (HKMA) has been supporting aspiring youths to have early planning for their pursuit of medical career.  In the past years, the HKMA has organised activities for secondary school students to explore medical education. 


This year, the HKMA Medical Students’ Subcommittee (HKMAMSS) under the Youth Committee organised MeetMed from 12 to 13 August 2023.  A series of activities were held at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and the HKMA.  There were a total of 50 students from 22 secondary schools this year under the guidance of 20 medical students.  On the first day, the participants joined themed discussion, campus tour, dissection laboratory visit and medical school curriculum briefing session at the CUHK.  On the second day, the participants visited the HKU campus and learnt about the medical curriculum in the morning and took part in the “Medicine and Technology” Forum as well as “Bioethical Issues” Debate in the afternoon at the HKMA. The two-day MeetMed ended with the closing remarks by Dr CHAN, Tsz Tai and Dr SIN, Kin Man, Co-Chairmen of Youth Committee, and the presentation of the participation certificates.  


Dr CHENG, Chi Man, President of the HKMA had lunch with the students and shared his experience.  “I am delighted after the pandemic, MeetMed can be held in physical mode again, a meaningful two-day event aligning the belief of HKMA to groom the next generation.  My advice to you all is study hard and study smart.  It is a difficult journey in studying medicine so psychological preparation is very important.  In the medical school, you will encounter different patients and clinical situations.  You will also face life-and-death issues at a young age.”  Dr CHENG encouraged the participants to seize the opportunity to ask the medical students questions related to medical education.


One of the organising committee members of MeetMed, Ms Beatrice SUN, is a Year Five Student of the CUHK Medical School said, “I have been a member of the HKMAMSS since Year One.  The two-day event gives a precious opportunity to the secondary school students who aspire to become doctors, they can get hands-on experiences in medical learning.  As for me, I chose to study medicine because of empathy and the desire to help others; I like science and love to communicate with people, thus studying medicine is suitable.”  Ms Venice CHONG, a soon-to-be grade 12 student of Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School, found MeetMed very interesting and meaningful, she added, “In the past we used to searching online the information of medical curriculum, this event is very pragmatic, we get to know the daily life of medical students.  I get to meet many new friends, the students are passionate about the medical subject and science.  Thanks to HKMA for holding MeetMed, I have to thank the leaders of each group as they help to answer our questions and take good care of us.”


Hong Kong will develop only when our young people have good foundation and prospects, and more young people joining healthcare sector is the key to safeguard public health.  The HKMA endeavours to walk with the young generation.  We will keep on working in this direction with young doctors, medical students and young people who have vision to join the healthcare sector.


Media Contact:

Selina YAM, Manager (Current Affairs and Communications)

Tel: 2527 8941    Fax: 2865 0943



Notes to editors: The Hong Kong Medical Association (HKMA), founded in 1920, aims to bring together Hong Kong's government, institutional, university and private medical practitioners for an effective exchange of views and co-ordination of efforts.  The foremost objective of the HKMA is to safeguard and promote public health.  The HKMA speaks collectively for its members and aims to keep its members abreast of medical ethics, issues and advances around the world.  In fulfilling these goals, the HKMA hopes to better serve the people of Hong Kong.