Press Release 新聞稿

The HKMA Community Service Volunteer Outreach Team for the Elderly Recognition Ceremony
香港醫學會社區服務團隊 - 「老友記外展大使」嘉許禮


社區服務團隊 - 「老友記外展大使」嘉許禮


秉持「維護民康」的宗旨,香港醫學會(下稱醫學會)自2014年成立社區服務委員會以來,一直積極推動醫生和醫學生會員走入社區,服務人群。義工的參與及協作夥伴的緊密聯繫對團隊的持續運作非常重要,醫學會特別在今午假公理堂大樓演奏廳舉行「老友記外展大使嘉許禮」,表揚一班義工和感謝協作夥伴對本會社區服務計劃的支持,同時與一眾嘉賓回顧兩個社區長者健康管理計劃-「醫家耆康社區學堂」和「醫社耆青Level Up」的工作。


香港醫學會會長鄭志文醫生在典禮上致辭時分享兩個計劃的內容,包括有「老友記外展大使」到戶探訪和電話關懷、由醫生定期主講的「老友記健康大學」健康講座,以及健康外展日等。另外團隊亦特別開發《健康藏金庫》網上資訊平台和社交媒體通訊,以資訊裝備參加者守護樂齡健康,支援居家安老。除此之外,更有「樂遊共享」- 認知障礙症桌上遊戲訓練先導計劃,改善認知障礙症患者的情況。鄭會長多謝各位義工大使的無私付出,令義工隊總服務時數高達5,660小時,並且獲由民政及青年事務局與義務工作發展局聯合頒發「香港義工獎2023」中的「傑出義工團隊獎」,認證各位義務工作的努力和貢獻。


「老友記外展大使隊」約180名義工,包括醫生、護士、醫學生、職業治療系學生、青少年及地區長者,年齡由8歲至85歲。大使隊年內在柴灣、小西灣和葵芳三區共舉辦44次探訪活動,定期探訪74戶老友記,探訪戶的年齡由63歲至100歲。在新冠疫情期間特別成立的「電話關懷隊」,共向老友記致電慰問422次,跟進他們的健康狀況和有否物資短缺等問題,緩解他們面對疫情的壓力。團隊又為義工舉辦了21節包括網上和實體的培訓,提升義工實務知識和技巧。另外義工團隊亦參與《健康藏金庫》網上平台內容製作,並舉辦了7次健康諮詢日和1次大型健康篩查日。至於由精神科醫生領導的「樂遊共享」- 認知障礙症桌上遊戲訓練先導計劃則由受過訓練的義工為患有認知障礙症的長者進行為期3個月的到戶訓練,跟進研究發現長者在參與度、情緒和溝通三方面均有改善。




老友記義工關彩華參與團隊成為老友記外展大使多年,她興奮地表示與一班義工一起參與培訓課程時很開心,除了學習到留意長者健康的技巧外,亦學懂一些新「潮流」,例如學習「Selfies 自拍」和「P圖 執相」。彩華還活用這些新技能自行設計了心意卡,並轉發給探訪的老友記,藉此向他們表達心意。彩華對於參加義工服務他人之餘亦可以與時並進學習新知識表示高興,認為是助人自助的特別體驗。






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13 January 2024

The HKMA Community Service

Volunteer Outreach Team for the Elderly Recognition Ceremony


Upholding its motto “To safeguard the health of the people”, the Hong Kong Medical Association (the HKMA) has been actively promoting the involvement of doctors and medical student members in serving the community with the establishment of the Community Service Committee in 2014.  The participation of volunteers and close partnership with our collaborating partners are crucial for the continuous operation and sustainability of our community service.  The HKMA organised the “Volunteer Outreach Team for the Elderly Recognition Ceremony” at the Recital Theatre of the China Congregation Church Building this afternoon, to officially recognise the supports from our volunteers and collaborating partners.  In addition, we shared our work of the two elderly health management projects, namely the “Community Elderly Health Academy” and “Levelling Up COY for Health” with the attendees.


Dr CHENG, Chi Man, the HKMA President, spoke at the Ceremony on programmes of the two projects, which included “Volunteer Outreach Team for the Elderly” to organise home visits and to make caring calls; “Health Academy for the Elderly” to organise regular health talks delivered by doctors and Health Outreach Day.  The Team also set up a “Health Resources Bank” website and an Instagram page.  With the aid of information technology, the health of the elderly can be safeguarded and better supported for them aging in place.  In addition, our volunteers team implemented the “Boardgame Training Pilot Programme for Elderly with Dementia” to improve the condition of elderly participants with dementia.  President CHENG, Chi Man expressed his heartfelt appreciation to the devoted volunteers, who have contributed to 5,660 service hours and make our voluntary efforts recognised at the Hong Kong Volunteer Award 2023, jointly organised by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau and the Agency for Volunteer Service, and received the “Outstanding Volunteer Group Award”. 


The HKMA Volunteer Outreach Team for the Elderly consists of about 180 volunteers, aged between 8 and 85, including doctors, nurses, medical students, occupational therapy students, teenagers, and community elderly.  The Team delivered a total of 44 home visits in three districts and provided regular visits to 74 elderly households during the service year.  Elderly in these households aged from 63 to 100 years old.  During the COVID-19 pandemic, a “Call to Care Team” was set up and has made a total of 422 calls to the elderly to check with their health conditions and whether they had any shortage of supplies, so as to alleviate their stress in facing the pandemic.  The Volunteer Outreach Team also organised 21 online and face-to-face training sessions for the volunteers, so that both practical knowledge and skill of the volunteers could be enhanced.  The Team was also involved in content development of the “Health Resources Bank” and a total of 7 health consultation days and 1 health screening day have been organised.  The “Boardgame Training Pilot Programme for Elderly with Dementia”, led by a Specialist in Psychiatry, was a pilot programme supported by trained volunteers who have provided 3-month home-based training sessions to the elderly participants with dementia.  A follow-up study indicates that the participating elderly showed improvement in three aspects: engagement, emotions, and communication.


Dr LAI, Hoi Ching Jojo and Dr MAK, Hoi Yan Clement, started their volunteer journey with the Community Service Team since they were medical students.  They were committed volunteers of the Team and helped to provide regular home visits to the elderly in Hing Wah Estate and Kwai Fong Estate for over 6 years and 5 years respectively.  Jojo shared that the regular home visits to the elderly paired for her providing an opportunity to understand both physical and psychological needs of the elderly.  She also formed close relationships and fostered mutual caring with the elderly.  This is also the reason for Jojo to spare no effort in fixing the collaboration between the Team and the Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons.  Dr MAK shared the same thoughts with Jojo.  Although Clement found that most of the elderly turned weak after the pandemic, he still found comforts to see the positive change of the elderly, from hidden and passive in the past to now proactive in seeking assistance when in need.  Clement’s volunteering experience demonstrates how vital regular home visit is for elderly.  


Madam KWAN, Choi Wah, one of the committed elderly outreach ambassadors shared that she enjoyed being involved in volunteer training sessions with other ambassadors.  In addition to enhancing skill in identifying elderly’s health symptoms, she also learnt new skills through the training, such as taking Selfies and using photo-editing Apps.  Choi Wah used these new skills to create greeting cards for the elderly she visited.  Choi Wah was happy with this unique experience, in which she can learn new things and helping others at the same time.


Dr LI, Kwok Tung Donald, SBS, JP, Chairman of the Elderly Commission, and Ms Melissa Kaye PANG, BBS, MH, JP, Chairman of the Agency for Volunteer Service, along with President Dr CHENG, Chi Man, Dr YEUNG, Hip Wo Victor, Vice-President and Co-Chairperson of the Community Service Committee, and Dr LAI, Wing Him Elvis, Council Member cum Co-Chairperson of the Community Service Committee, presented certificates to the volunteers.  They also led the participants in singing the Team Song “Medical & Social: An United Heart to Serve the Community” at the end of the Ceremony.  All guests and volunteers enjoyed the special occasion and celebrated their efforts in volunteer works!





Notes to editors:

The Hong Kong Medical Association (the “HKMA”), founded in 1920, aims to bring together Hong Kong's government, institutional, university and private medical practitioners for an effective exchange of views and coordination of efforts.  The foremost objective of the HKMA is to safeguard and promote public health.  The HKMA speaks collectively for its members and aims to keep its members abreast of medical ethics, issues and advances around the world.  In fulfilling these goals, the HKMA hopes to better serve the people of Hong Kong.


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