Press Release 新聞稿

The HKMA’s Recommendations on COVID-19 Vaccines



1. 香港醫學會支持使用已將科學數據呈交2019冠狀病毒病疫苗顧問專家委員會的疫苗。我們亦同意衞生防護中心在2021年1月7日,就在本港使用2019冠狀病毒病疫苗(新冠疫苗)發表的暫擬共識建議。


2. 接種復星醫藥/BioNTech信使核糖核酸疫苗和牛津大學-阿斯利康病毒載體疫苗後出現嚴重過敏反應的個案值得關注,但情況十分罕見。市民接種疫苗後必須接受觀察最少15分鐘。


3. 媒體報導行政會議成員林正財醫生建議外展醫生為住院的長者作出臨床評估,以決定他們應否接種新冠疫苗。外展醫生因此須承擔額外風險責任。


4. 醫護人員是政府抗疫戰上的重要合作夥伴,協助提供公眾健康教育和支援即將推行的大型社區疫苗接種。我們十分希望政府能夠增加透明度,及時向業界提供全球和本地的資訊、有關疫苗研發的相關數據、科學研究以及不斷轉變的感染控制政策,並向我們作諮詢。


5. 病毒已出現變種。目前,英國、南非和巴西變種病毒的傳染力和毒性都有顯著不同,有報告指變種病毒削弱了多種疫苗的功效。政府和科學家應該密切注意變種病毒對現有疫苗成效的潛在不利影響。邊境的豁免檢疫安排應該取消,並要完善地追踨接觸者,杜絕輸入個案。


6. 維他命D是維持人體免疫系統的重要元素。在陽光照射下,人體皮膚可自然產生維他命D。但包括香港人在內的亞洲人是有色人種,較有可能缺乏維他命D。在疫情期間,市民減少外出,令維他命D缺乏更為嚴重。這可能會導致免疫力下降,尤其是在長者身上。以現時情況,我們無法預測達到群體免疫的時間表。與此同時,我們建議政府向特定群組提供維他命D,例如是安老院的長者,以增強他們的免疫力。




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10 February 2021


The HKMA’s Recommendations on COVID-19 Vaccines


  1. The Hong Kong Medical Association supports the use of vaccines with adequate scientific evidence submitted to the Advisory Panel on COVID-19 Vaccines, and agrees with the Centre for Health Protection Consensus Interim Recommendations on the Use of COVID-19 vaccines in Hong Kong as of 7 January 2021. 


  1. Severe allergic reactions associated with the Fosun Pharma/BioNTech mRNA vaccines and Oxford-AstraZeneca adenovirus vaccines are important but they are rare. Observation for at least 15 minutes is necessary after administration of the vaccine.


  1. Dr LAM Ching Choi, the Executive Council member, was quoted in media reports proposing Visiting Medical Officers (VMOs) to exercise clinical judgement and decide whether an institutionalized elderly should receive COVID-19 vaccine. This will incur additional liability to VMOs. 


  1. The healthcare professionals are important partners in assisting the Government in the effort of battling against the COVID-19 pandemic, in public health education and the upcoming mass vaccination campaign.  It would be appreciated if the Government would be more transparent, share with us the global and local information, relevant data concerning the development of vaccines, scientific studies and evolving infection control policies in a timely manner and solicit our comments. 


  1. Viral mutations have occurred. Currently the United Kingdom, South African and Brazilian variants notably affect the infectivity and virulence, with reports of diminished efficacy of various vaccines. The Government and the scientific community should be vigilant for the potentially diminished efficacy of the existing vaccines against mutated viral strains. Exemptions of testing at borders must be avoided and immaculate contact tracing and containment of any imported cases must be done. 


  1. Vitamin D is vital in the human immunological system. It is naturally produced in skin by exposure to sunlight. Hong Kongers are Asians with coloured skin and might be more prone to vitamin D deficiency. Staying indoors more often during the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbates vitamin D deficiency. This might result in impaired immune resistance, particularly in the elderly. The time frame of achievement of herd immunity cannot be predicted at this juncture. In the meantime, we advise the Government to supply vitamin D to boost the immunity of selected populations e.g. the elderly in old aged homes.




Notes to editors: The Hong Kong Medical Association, founded in 1920, aims to bring together Hong Kong's government, institutional, university and private medical practitioners for an effective exchange of views and co-ordination of efforts.  The foremost objective of the Association is to safeguard and promote public health.  The Association speaks collectively for its members and aims to keep its members abreast of medical ethics, issues and advances around the world.  In fulfilling these goals, the association hopes to better serve the people of Hong Kong.


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