Press Release 新聞稿

The HKMA’s opinions on the prevention of the influx of COVID-19 variant





  1. 截至5月6日,本港社區共出現10宗變種病毒個案, 4宗在完成21日檢疫後才確診,當中2人更檢測達6次才被驗出陽性。政府需盡快追蹤有關個案流入社區的原因,並為所有同期入住出現變種病毒個案的檢疫酒店住客進行血清抗體測試,以掌握個案是否與病毒測試出現紕漏有關,並確保沒有其他相關隱性個案潛伏社區。

  2. 鼻腔及咽喉樣本檢測的準確度極度依賴採樣員的採樣方法,政府必須嚴密監察檢測承辦商的檢測質素,如規定採樣員必須具備醫護背景,或其採樣過程必須受醫護人員監督。除了核酸檢測外,醫學會亦建議為所有檢疫人士進行血清抗體測試,雙管齊下堵截假陰性個案的可能。

  3. 現時政府在普通科門診、郵局或港鐵站等地方的檢測樣本瓶派發量嚴重不足;加上近期上呼吸道感染於本地出現爆發,將有更多具相關病徵人士被納入強制檢測,政府必需進一步增加樣本瓶數量以應付市民龐大的需求。

  4. 鑑於現時變種病毒確診者所居住的大廈需全棟隔離檢疫21日,可預計未來將有一定數量人士受到影響並造成極大不便。對此,政府可聯同專家作風險評估,如該等大廈並未發現任何垂直或橫向傳播,政府可考慮安排住客在原棟大廈進行檢疫,並縮短已接種兩劑疫苗達14天的人士的檢疫時間。

  5. 政府於上週公布外傭須於5月9日或之前接受強制檢測,令大量外傭湧至社區檢測中心及採樣站,人群聚集或增加感染風險。醫學會建議政府向外傭團體等進一步推廣深喉唾液測試,並呼籲僱主容許外傭在平日進行檢測,以分散週末社區檢測中心及檢測站的人流。

  6. 本港過去多次疫情爆發,均由境外病毒流入社區引起。醫學會強烈呼籲政府切勿放鬆各項入境檢疫措施,並需密切監察外國疫情爆發情況,特別應盡快檢視斯里蘭卡、孟加拉等高風險地區的疫情發展,適時更新指明地區組別名單,以限制高風險地區人士入境。

  7. 科學研究證明疫苗對變種病毒仍有一定保護力,盡快接種方能護己護人。疫情持續反覆,醫學會呼籲除接種疫苗外,市民仍需保持警惕,例如正確戴上口罩及保持社交距離,時刻緊記全民抗疫,絕不鬆懈。




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7 May 2021

The HKMA’s opinions on the prevention of the influx of COVID-19 variant


Regarding the emergence of untraceable COVID-19 variant cases in the local community, The Hong Kong Medical Association (HKMA) is concerned that the influx of the virus variant may cause a new wave of outbreaks in Hong Kong. The HKMA urges the Government to further tighten its testing and quarantine measures to prevent the virus variant from spreading in the society, including:


  1. As of 6 May, 10 local COVID-19 cases with mutated variants have been confirmed, 4 people were diagnosed after the completion of the 21 days quarantine. Among them, 2 people were tested positive after subjected to testing 6 times. It is imperative for the Government to speed up the investigation into how coronavirus variants surfaced in the community, as well as to apply serology tests (antibody tests) to all guests who have previously stayed at the quarantine hotels where the variant virus cases occurred, to confirm whether such cases were related to testing flaws and ensure no other hidden cases have slipped through into the community.

  2. The accuracy of the combined nasal and throat swab testing highly relies on the correct sampling of the samplers. The Government must strengthen its monitoring on the testing performance of the contractors, such as to stipulate that all samplers must hold a medical or nursing qualification, or their sampling procedures must be supervised by medical or nursing staff. The HKMA advises the Government to adopt a two-pronged approach in testing: in addition to nucleic acid testing, mandatory serology testing should synchronously be issued to all people under compulsory quarantine to eliminate any potential risk of false-negative cases.

  3. The number of specimen collection packs distributed at general out-patient clinics, post offices and MTR stations has long been in short supply. Coupled with the recent local outbreak of upper respiratory tract infections, it is foreseeable to have an upsurge of people with similar symptoms being subjected to compulsory testing. The Government must increase the supply of specimen collection packs to meet the mounting needs of the public.

  4. In view of the fact if one confirmed virus variant case is found in the residential buildings, all residents will be subjected to isolated quarantine for 21 days. It is in the offing that the number of affected citizens will continue to escalate. The Government should take prudent action and consult corresponding experts for every case, and if no trace of vertical or horizontal transmission to be found in such buildings, the Government may arrange for the residents to be quarantined in their own homes. The Government should also consider shortening the quarantine period for those who have completed 2 COVID-19 vaccines doses for 14 days.

  5. Last week, the Government promulgated that foreign domestic helpers must undergo compulsory testing by the 9 May. Subsequently, many foreign domestic helpers have flocked to the community testing centres and specimen collection stations. The HKMA is concerned that mass gathering in those venues will aggravate the possibility of infection, and suggests the Government further promotes deep throat saliva testing among foreign domestic helpers, as well as appeals to employers to allow their foreign domestic helpers to receive testing on a weekday, so as to diverge the long testing queues during weekends.

  6. The HKMA strongly appeal to the Government to remain stringent in regard to the quarantine measures for inbound travellers as previous local COVID-19 outbreaks were predominately caused by the influx of overseas viruses. In order to suspend high-risk travellers from entering Hong Kong, the Government should pay close attention to the global outbreaks, particularly high-risk areas like Sri Lanka and Bangladesh and update the list of ‘Categories of specified places’ in a timely manner.

  7. There is scientific evidence that COVID-19 vaccines are still effective amid the rising number of virus variants; hence it is crucial to get vaccinated to protect ourselves and our community. With the prevalence of the pandemic, the HKMA urges the public to stay vigilant and be persistent in infection control, such as wearing mask properly and maintaining social distancing, and take precautions against the disease as far as possible.




Notes to editors: The Hong Kong Medical Association, founded in 1920, aims to bring together Hong Kong's government, institutional, university and private medical practitioners for an effective exchange of views and co-ordination of efforts.  The foremost objective of the Association is to safeguard and promote public health.  The Association speaks collectively for its members and aims to keep its members abreast of medical ethics, issues and advances around the world.  In fulfilling these goals, the association hopes to better serve the people of Hong Kong.


    查詢   :袁巧蓮女士                                        電話   :2527 8941 

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