Press Release 新聞稿

Community Health Academy for Elderly: Planted the Seeds of Community Health Awareness in Kwai Tsing
「社居耆健醫學堂」計劃 為葵青區播下健康種子

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「社居耆健醫學堂」計劃 為葵青區播下健康種子




香港醫學會會長蔡堅醫生於典禮上致歡迎辭,除了祝賀56位積極學習的畢業生外,亦向57位傑出義工表達衷心的謝意。蔡醫生提到去年2019冠狀病毒疫情雖然令大家的生活和計劃推行的服務有所影響,但有危便有機,服務模式也因此而發展出新元素,成功推動老友記參與網上學習。蔡醫生感謝社區投資共享基金對本計劃一直的支持,並向各參與計劃的協作夥伴致謝! 2020年是香港醫學會100周年,蔡醫生堅定地表示百年過去,醫學會「維護民康」、關心社區的初心始終不變。


主禮嘉賓社區投資共享基金委員會主席關則輝先生,MH, JP,於典禮致辭時表示很高興見證「社居耆健醫學堂」計劃促進「社醫合作」,推動葵涌區內的長者、居民、醫生、醫科學生和不同界別協作夥伴各展所長,凹凸互補,並能在疫情影響下將計劃成功推行。關主席尤其欣賞計劃於疫情期間上門派發抗疫物資、提供簡單健康檢查及與老友記進行健腦遊戲,有效回應留守在家抗疫的長者之身心需要,鞏固了鄰里支援網絡。最後,關主席感謝香港醫學會為建立葵青區人情味所作出的每一份努力。




由於疫情關係,一眾計劃參加者透過網上平台出席典禮,互相分享學習所得和參與義務工作的經驗和喜悅。不少參與計劃的老友記均分享在管理自己健康狀況時經常遇到難題,他們答謝參與計劃的醫生們所付出的時間和耐性,細心解說,讓他們更明白如何照顧好自己! 這亦正正是醫學會推行社區服務計劃、支持發展社區基層醫療的原因,要令長者真正做到居家安老,加強他們對個人健康的認知及管理能力是重要的一環。在頒發各項證書後,老友記學員和義工們更與參與的醫生一同合唱特別填詞的《醫社一心》一曲,將活動氣氛帶到高潮! (可參考下頁「附加資料」上的典禮精華片段)


在過去的五年間,香港醫學會已推行四個社區服務計劃,而社區服務團隊亦為市民製作了一系列的健康資源,包括:老友記健康大學《實用手冊》、《常見老年疾病動畫短片》、《2019冠狀病毒病 – 抗疫資訊》等,有興趣了解更多的市民,觀迎到以下網頁瀏覽相關資料。






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29 October 2021


 Community Health Academy for Elderly: Planted the Seeds of Community Health Awareness in Kwai Tsing


The online “Graduation Ceremony of Health Academy for the Elderly cum Recognition Ceremony of Outreach Ambassadors for the Elderly” (the Ceremony) of the 3-year project “Community Health Academy for Elderly” (the “Project”), funded by the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund (CIIF), and organized by the Hong Kong Medical Association (HKMA), was held on 26 October.  The Project adopted the multi-dimensional collaboration model by connecting social, medical, community, school, housing and commercial sectors to carry out 3 main programmes, namely “Health Academy for the Elderly”, “Outreach Team for the Elderly” and “Doctors-Units Instant Link Scheme”.  The Project successfully drives the medical sector in active participation and the medical-social collaboration has been achieved in the community.  Furthermore, the Project also planted the seeds of community health awareness for the Kwai Tsing district.


Dr. CHOI Kin, HKMA President was invited to give the welcoming remarks during the Ceremony on 26 October.  He congratulated the 56 active learners and elderly graduates, at the same time, was touched by the selfless dedication of the 57 outstanding outreach ambassadors.  The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lifestyle as well as the services provided by the Project.  New service model has been developed amid the facing challenges, i.e. to teaching the elderly learners to learn in taking our online classes.  Nonetheless, Dr. CHOI took the opportunity to thank for the continuous support from CIIF and our devoted collaborating partners.  Moreover, HKMA has stepped into its 100th year in 2020, Dr. CHOI Kin stressed that our mission “To safeguard the health of the people” shall never change in regard of our hundred years’ history.


Officiating at the Ceremony, Mr. KWAN Chuk Fai, MH, JP, Chairman of CIIF Committee, was glad to witness the Project’s success in fostering the social-medical collaboration and in promoting reciprocity among elderly, residents, medical doctors, medical students and cross-sectoral collaborators by leveraging on their strengths.  Mr. KWAN was impressed that the Project was still able to implement successfully despite the threat of epidemic.  Mr. KWAN also appreciated the Project’s efforts in addressing the physical and emotional needs of the elderly who were forced to stay home during the epidemic and strengthening their neighbourhood support network with various means such as distributing anti-epidemic items, providing simple health check-ups, and designing brain-teaser games.  At last, Mr. KWAN thanked HKMA’s effort in building a caring society with a strong sense of human touch in Kwai Tsing District.


“Community Health Academy for Elderly” project has attained a number of achievements, especially the social capital of health resources.  There were 90 elderly enrolled in the Wellness Course organized by the Health Academy for the Elderly.  The Academy also conducted 12 sessions of the “Get to Know Dementia Course” for staff of corporates and small merchants, to highlight the basic knowledge on dementia.  In addition, around 230 volunteers have joined Outreach Team for the Elderly as Outreach Ambassadors and they have attended a total of 97 volunteer training sessions.  The outreach ambassadors provided 244 home visits and/caring calls to the elderly (especially during the pandemic period).  Through “Doctors-Units Instant Link Scheme”, 25 health outreach days were organized for elderly and ethnic-minorities residents, and health queries of 81 elderly have been solved.


Due to the pandemic, guests, elderly, volunteers and other participants joined the online Ceremony to share their experiences and happiness in joining the Project.  Many elderly expressed their frustration in dealing with their chronic diseases and thanked to the medical doctors who were always being patient in explaining the different diseases to them during health talks, outreach services or home visits, so that they become more confident in taking care of themselves.  This is exactly one of the key visions for HKMA in organizing community health projects and in supporting primary care in the community because aging in place will only succeed if elderly living in the community are capable in managing their health.  After presenting the certificates to the eligible students and volunteers at the Ceremony, the elderly students, volunteers and our participating doctors sang the song with special lyrics “Medical-Social as One Heart” together, bringing the spirit into full swing! (The summary of the Ceremony is included in the supplementary page)


During the past 5 years, the HKMA Community Service Team has carried out 4 community projects.  A series of health resources have been produced, including the Practical Handbook of the Health Academy for the Elderly, the Animated Videos on Common Elderly Diseases, and the Combat COVID-19 Videos, etc.  Please refer to the various electronic platforms if you are interested to learn more.


Encl.: Photos of the Closing Ceremony



附加資料 Supplementary Information



Electronic Version on various platforms


Community Health Academy for Elderly – project summary



Graduation Ceremony of Health Academy for the Elderly cum Recognition Ceremony of Outreach Ambassadors for the Elderly – event summary


The HKMA Facebook page



Webpage of Community Service Projects


Practical Handbook


Animated Videos

2019冠狀病毒病 – 抗疫資訊短片》

Combat COVID-19 Videos

 1.           抗疫的迷思 – 蔡堅醫生 香港醫學會會長,腎病科專科醫生


2.           2019冠狀病毒病對身體的影響 - 曾祈殷醫生 香港醫學會會董,



3.           為何要保持社交距離 – 陳念德醫生 香港醫學會會董,社區服務委員會聯席主席


4.           殺滅2019冠狀病毒病的方法 - 黃天祐醫生 感染及傳染病科醫生


5.           口罩的謎思 – 唐繼昇醫生 香港醫學會會董、社區服務委員會聯席主席及兒科醫生


6.           運動與抗疫 – 楊協和醫生 香港醫學會義務司庫、社區服務委員會聯席主席及泌尿外科醫生



HKMA Community Service Team Instagram帳戶




典禮照片   Photos of the Closing Ceremony:


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Notes to editors: The Hong Kong Medical Association, founded in 1920, aims to bring together Hong Kong's government, institutional, university and private medical practitioners for an effective exchange of views and co-ordination of efforts.  The foremost objective of the Association is to safeguard and promote public health.  The Association speaks collectively for its members and aims to keep its members abreast of medical ethics, issues and advances around the world.  In fulfilling these goals, the association hopes to better serve the people of Hong Kong.


    查詢   :葛樂詩小姐/Miss Irene GOT                    電話   :2527 8285 

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    計劃網址 Project Website:

    計劃電郵 Project E-mail:


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「社區動起來 到處人情在」!


Community Investment and Inclusion Fund (CIIF) was set up by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2002 to implement diversified social capital development projects in the community, promote reciprocity between the public and different sectors, and build together a cross-sectoral collaborative platforms and social support networks.  The Fund seeks to build social capital – to garner mutual trust, spirit of cooperation and social cohesion, and enhance mutual support among individuals, families and organisations so that our community can grow from strength to strength.


Energise the Community, Build a Caring Society!


勞工及福利局 社區投資共享基金秘書處  Community Investment and Inclusion Fund Secretariat ll Labour and Welfare Bureau

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